Saturday, May 07, 2005

Who you wanna be ah? -ARGIVE WARRIOR!!!

i'm back from su foc!!! yeah!! the camp was totally awesome!! i guess its the second best camp i've ever gone to. man, i love argive!!! i really wanna thank Daddy God answering my prayers, placing me into the best group, with the best campers and best leaders. even though none of my np frends were in the same grp as me, i never felt a second lonely in the camp. not even one! and i'm dead serious! i really really enjoyed a hell load! haha.

we played so many games during the camp and they are all so original! cos i havent played any of the games before. one of the memorable ones was the one where our whole grp had to stand on one of those long slim pri sch canteen benches and try to shift ourselves from one end to another. it was so funny cos when we try to cross over with that 5cm width, many were kind of unbalanced especially those big size ones and everyone had to pull them back. haha. also, there was a mass pointing third finger, doing the wtf sign while playing, cos we were not allowed to speak and could only use gestures, eye contact to shift. and all the guys were like doing all sorts of nonsense to grab each other's attention. hahaha. damn funny!! another one was butter hill. its like a big mat was laid over this really steep hill and butter, flour were spreaded onto the mat. and we had to think of ways to climb up the hill. it was really challenging cos the hill was very steep and added on butter's slippery, so we really had a hard time doing that. but it was really fun. so we made up this clap called the butter clap. it goes like *clap* *smells armpit* "butter". hahaha. damn cute. other than games, we also had cheers and argive's cheer rocks la!!! we won the best cheer. haha. yesh!!!

i'm lovin' it! :)

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